Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Less than a week. So much to do! I only have one final left to take tomorrow and then I am done! Friday Professor Wordell took a group of us to a bar called Popcorn, that was a riot. We all had a good time. It is is funny to go out with professor's in Japan, but they all do it. In America we never go out with professor's. After Popcorn I went to a party at Addi's dorm, and the Lit professor came and was playing drinking games with us. It was hilarious. Saturday I went to a party at Tran's host family's house. It was a lot of fun. Then Sunday we went to Arabian Rock and Monday to Uni-Glo. Now is it Tuesday and I am almost done.

I just finished a biography on Mishima. He was a fascinating man. His novels were incredible, but his personality was even more fascinating. He committed seppuku in 1970. He and some students who had formed the Shield Society, dedicated to protecting the emperor, took a commander hostage. Mishima then gave a speech to the soldiers in the Japan Defense league, then slit his belly open and had one of the other students behead him (a traditional Japanese death). Apparently he was obsessed with death and the concept of death his whole life. It's a rather morbid thought, but provides insight into Japanese society, because for years many Japanese men were obsessed with the idea of death, preferring to die a noble death for their leader than continue living. The biography was by John Nathan and I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in Japanese ideas.


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