Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Thursday, April 10, 2003

I guess it is true what people say about the grass being greener on the other side. When I was in Japan I couldn't wait to get back to DC and all of my friends and I thought this semester was going to be amazingly fun. And while the semester hasn't completely sucked, it hasn't been all I was expecting it to be. I suppose I should be use to things not living up to my expectations. Last summer also didn't live up to my expectations. So this leaves me in a slight dilemna. If I think a situation is going to be so fun that I set my expectations so high that I then realize they can't possibly be reached, what do I do? Should I attempt to lower my expectations so I expect nothing, and then will hopefully be pleasantly surprised by anything? Do I avoid the situation entirely because I think that there is another situation that will be more fun? Would I then fall into the same dilemna with the new situation because I expected too much? Do I just stay in the situation and become disappointed? Does enough dissappointment lead to bitterness? Some situations cause people to become strong, give people the chance to prove themselves. I don't think that constant dissappointment is one of those situations that makes you stronger. I really don't want to be bitter when I get older, but I need to find a way to avoid things that would cause that.

I've been thinking about going back to Reno lately. Not permanently, but for the summer before I leave for Japan. I realized that there really isn't that much in DC for me anymore.


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