Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Thursday, June 26, 2003

If I didn't think Howard Dean was fabulous before, now he is being supported by Ben and Jerry's IceCream (they even named a flavor of Ice Cream after him) and Martin Sheen is writing fundraising letters for him. So that leads to the thought that if he got elected it would be like a combination of West Wing (the tv show) and Vermont (the state) ... interesting. Here is the letter I received from Martin Sheen (slightly edited of course), but isn't that amazing, all I had to do was donate $50 and now I am communicating with Hollywood stars. Who needs the Lincoln Bedroom when I get Martin Sheen?

Dear Constituent,

Please do something after reading this email. Do what you can, but please do something. A few days ago Howard Dean did something we haven't seen in our country in decades. He called on all of the American people to participate again in our common future. Governor Dean spoke out loud and clear against the crisis of community our current President has created at home, and against the Bush administration's abandonment of the heritage of America as the Idealistic Moral force in the world.

And then he said this:
"The history of our nation is clear: At every turn where there has been an imbalance of power, the truth questioned, or our beliefs and values distorted, the change required to restore our nation has always come from the bottom up from our people.
You have the power to reclaim our nation's destiny."

Each of us acting alone -- which is what the Bush people think America should be -- leaves us powerless to change Washington or the direction of our nation. But if Americans -- all of us -- do something, and do it together, we really do have the power to change forever the way politics is conducted in our country and make a profound impact on our nation's future. Over 121,231 of us have signed up to support Howard Dean's campaign to take back our country. Think about that, 121,231 Americans.
Please do not delete this email before taking a common action with the other 121,230 of us who are committed with you to returning government to the people and helping Howard Dean become our next President.

Martin Luther King Jr. said "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

What is happening to our country today matters-- Howard Dean is not silent, on the contrary. In one day we can provide the resources needed to make sure his voice and ours is heard loud and clear -- "we want our country back." I am a supporter of Howard Dean and all that I ask is that today we all do something together to move his candidacy and the cause of America forward.

Thank you,

Martin Sheen


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