Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Thursday, July 07, 2005

A shepard and a weaver fell in love. Madly in love, so much so that they forgot all about their work. The Shepard stopped sheparding and the weaver stopped her weaving. The gods became angry and banished them to opposite sides of the sky, as stars. But then the gods felt bad and decided they could meet once a year in the sky. The gods were feeling generous and decided to grant all humans one wish on the same night. Tanabata. What to wish for though….

Tonight I was promoting Irish Night, a party celebrating our upcoming arrival in Dublin. Suddenly there didn’t seem to be much to celebrate. A bomb blast in London. No. 4 bomb blasts. Dozens killed, hundreds injured. Too far away to understand, but then I realize I am practically next door. Stunned looks on faces. A few tears sneak out of water-filled eyes. Suddenly there is realization of how many of us know people in that area. Worry attacks, as does the unknown. Prayers for your loved ones. And Tanabata Wishes?

My Tanabata Wish is that there will be no more bomb blasts anywhere in the world. Ever.


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