Sighisoara, the birthplace of Vlad Tepes "Dracula." Last night we ate dinner in a restaurant that is in the house where he was born. It was rather spooky because as we walked home there was a man dressed all in black standing under a tree staring off into nowhere, but that was the closest we got to seeing any vampires. Today we explored the old citadel on top of a hill in the middle of the city. There isn't a lot to see and by noon we were getting a bit bored but still had hours to kill until our train for Budapest. As we were wandering we saw a sign advertising "Plum Brandy and Wine" so we decided to follow it. We wandered through some small alleys, through a courtyard and found ourselves in a small dark kitchen in the basement. We taste-tested the wines (and the plum "fire" brandy) and decided to buy some wine (I had trouble swallowing the brandy). It was 20 Lei for 500ml of wine in a glass bottle, but only 15 Lei if we got a plastic bottle. We decided to get 2 bottles (a grand total of a liter). The woman went to a closet, pulled out 1 old liter water bottle and filled it up from a barrel. It was hilarious, so we decided to taste test just a bit more after we left (picture below). We ended up getting help finishing our LITER OF WINE later from the people in our hostel in Budapest.

Sighisoara, the birthplace of Vlad Tepes "Dracula." Last night we ate dinner in a restaurant that is in the house where he was born. It was rather spooky because as we walked home there was a man dressed all in black standing under a tree staring off into nowhere, but that was the closest we got to seeing any vampires. Today we explored the old citadel on top of a hill in the middle of the city. There isn't a lot to see and by noon we were getting a bit bored but still had hours to kill until our train for Budapest. As we were wandering we saw a sign advertising "Plum Brandy and Wine" so we decided to follow it. We wandered through some small alleys, through a courtyard and found ourselves in a small dark kitchen in the basement. We taste-tested the wines (and the plum "fire" brandy) and decided to buy some wine (I had trouble swallowing the brandy). It was 20 Lei for 500ml of wine in a glass bottle, but only 15 Lei if we got a plastic bottle. We decided to get 2 bottles (a grand total of a liter). The woman went to a closet, pulled out 1 old liter water bottle and filled it up from a barrel. It was hilarious, so we decided to taste test just a bit more after we left (picture below). We ended up getting help finishing our LITER OF WINE later from the people in our hostel in Budapest.

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