Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Sunday, April 20, 2003

It's very strange. You come to college and spend a lot of time making friends. Most people probably invest more time into friends than into school work or jobs. Then as the whole thing draws to an end you realize there are only one or maybe two people that you have truly bonded with. There are only a very few people that have really touched me, and understand how I work. And while I am happy to have been able to meet those wonderful friends and I know I will stay in touch with those few people forever, I realized how sad it is that most of my friendships are not like that. I don't know what I could have done differently, perhaps nothing. Perhaps not all friendships are supposed to be deep and meaningful. But I am beginning to realize that a lot of friendships I thought were important to me, mean nothing to the other person. I find that sad. Sad that when I leave DC most of the people who are my "friends" I will never see again. And honestly I won't cry about that loss. I doubt that I will leave a big hole in their lives either. We will say good-bye and walk away and probably never look back. It's just disconcerting that after 4 years I will leave and only stay in touch with one or two people. I suppose that I can't measure the last four years only by long-term friends I've made, but if I did my life would be utterly depressing. Is the cup half-empty or half-full? Did I make only 2 really great friends in four years? Or did I meet two people who have changed my life forever? I guess it just depends on which angle I look at it from.


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