Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lipstick on a Pig

Deadlines in the Legislature last week and this week. Lots of bills are dieing and lots of hearts are being broken. Don't you love the government.

We have been lucky thus far, although I would like to think that luck had nothing to do with it and it was just hard work. (Most of the hard work done by other people). Several bills that we didn't like have died, and several bills that we like are still alive, although barely. Life is busy but not too bad in Legislature Land.

Now for the amusing part. The Governor has said "No New Taxes" and he appears to be serious about it, unlike others in the past. This has scared all of the Democrats into submission. I'm not sure why, but plenty of Republicans aren't falling into line. What we have is an upsidedown reality. Democrats are voting against bills that would raise taxes while Republicans are voting for increased fees and taxes. Rather boggles the mind.


  • At 6:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Not a comment so much on your last entry. However, I was wondering why there is nothing about your wedding plans or things like that on this blog. I would have totally thought the VISAs, 2 weddings, and many trips to Marchele's would constitute exploits and fabulous adventures.


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