Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

An IM conversation I had with Aaron (almost verbatim):

Me: Is there a haunted mountain near you?
Me: One of the parents I teach said that there is some famous haunted mountain Aomori close to where you live. I can't remember the name now, but she said people contact the dead and stuff. It's supposed to be scary.
Aaron: yup, it's about 45 minutes driving. It:s called Osorezan. Literally, "Mount Dread." It's kinda freaky.
Me: have you been?
Aaron: yeah, went once. they have oracles there that talk in tounges
Me: yeah? cool! but in Japanese tounges??@freaky.
Aaron: yeah, well, its apparently gibberish and the dead will only communicate in tsugaru-ben
Me: what if the dead were from kansai and only speak kansai-ben? does that mean they can't communicate with the living?
Aaron: well, apparently they learn tsugaru-ben. i mean, i guess you have a lot of spare time when you are dead.


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