Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Monday, May 02, 2005

I met some people while hanging around Gap's House and they invited me to go along with them in a van they rented to Doi Suthep. I wasn't really sure what to expect even though a bunch of people had told me it was the one place in Chang Mai I had to visit. It was amazing. We took the van up a huge mountain, along really steep roads and I was so thankful for the air conditioning. We got to the top of the mountain and had to walk up 306 steps (I'm not sure of the significance but everyone kept telling me the number of steps) to the top. There was a beautiful gold plated pagoda and lots of buddhas everywhere. I did a fortune teller thing where you make a wish, shake a box full of sticks and the stick that falls out tells your fortune. My fortune said that I will have good luck and will get my wish but must be patient. Happiness. We went to lunch after Doi Suthep and then when we were dropping off the monk who is friends with the people I met (from Arizone, the people not the monk) we were invited inside to have our fortunes read. They had our birthdays and looked things up in books and made charts and then told me that I will have very good luck for the next 3 years, I will be a rich woman and I will be happy anywhere in the world I choose to live. They said that I shouldn't be a teacher though, it isn't the best profession for me. They also gave me some lotto numbers to use next time I play the lotto. Perhaps that is how I become a rich woman. It was quite fun. The whole day was very educational because the people who took me are devout buddhists and could explain all the traditions and rituals to me (Theravada Buddhism, which is practiced in Thailand, is very different from the sects of Buddhism practiced in Japan). Lovliness. I am enjoying traveling alone. I have met so many interesting people and I think that I wouldn't have met a lot of them if I had someone to talk to (we all know how I love to talk).


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