Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Monday, April 18, 2005

The cherry blossom trees are crying. Their tears fall down like snow flakes, covering everything in white petals. It makes me think of an Indian ceremony, the lushness of walking on flower petals. They fall into our hair, guarenteeing good luck for the year to come. We pause to take pictures, vainly trying to capture this moment on film. This moment. The sounds of laughter, the smells of barbeque, giant koi kites fluttering in the breeze, the sunlight warming our backs, happy people strolling by, the blue blue sky peeking through the branches and the peaceful flutter of petals floating down. Nothing can ever capture this moment. I take it all in, the pure happiness and contentedness I am feeling. It is a beautiful moment.

I moved out of my apartment yesterday. I have lived in that apartment for 18 months, the longest I have lived in any one place since leaving my parents' house. I was rather attached to my little apartment despite all of its flaws-- too small, noisy neighbors, a trash nazi on the corner, too few plugs, etc. It was really and truly completely mine. It is the first time I have lived alone. So I was feeling a little nostalgic and sad moving out the last of my stuff. Looking around the empty space that has been home for so long.

We all know the best way to distract yourself is to.... go shopping! I had decided with all the traveling I am doing in the next 4 months I really should stop using disposable cameras-- its embarrassing to be a world traveler with a backpack full of disposable cameras. 20 countries in the next 4 months equals a lot of disposable cameras. So instead I bought the cutest digital camera ever. There was a sale and Japan is cheaper than the US so I ended up getting it for less than half the price it would have been in the US. Did I mention it is soooo cute. Today is my last weekend while working for Amity and I am going to spend it taking a million pictures of everything in sight with my cool new camera. It has short videos and is so cute! Did I already say that?


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