Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Monday, May 05, 2003

I finished my 30 page paper on Casino Gaming in DC! I wasn't expecting to finish it so early. I thought I would be up until 2 am, so when I looked over at Aaron and said "I'm finished" I was a little surprised myself. But it has an executive summary and a table of contents, 30 pages of my ramblings and a 2 page bibliography. Aaron is right that the whole thing seemed a little anti-climatic. I was expected fireworks to go off when I finished the paper, I've been working on it for so long. But no fireworks for me.

Professor Kim-Renaud had a party at her house last night for all of her Korean and Korean Lit students. It was a lot of fun. Very rarely do I get to know a professor well and get to know all the people in my class well. And while it wasn't the same bond as in Japanese class, it was nice to get to know people outside of class. We sat around outside next to the pool eating Korean food and drinking soju that Chun-jee provided. I actually developed a taste for Kim-chi and was able to hold my soju as well as everyone else. It felt a little bit like the parties that Grandpa and Grandma Young use to have at their house. Everyone sitting around very relaxed, talking on a warm summer night. It was nice. Probably the last bit of relaxation I will be getting for awhile though.

Oh, does anyone want to go to Atlantic City with me?


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