Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Went skiing today! It was great! We got up there a little late and were able to buy lift passes off people leaving for only 500yen (about $5). All those wimps running away just because it's snowing a bit (or a lot), and windy, and really really cold. The top of the mountains were all covered in fog so visibilty was maybe 15 feet (maybe- I kept missing turnoffs because I couldn't see them). It kept snowing and was so cold that my eyes would water and ice would form on my eyelashes. And the slopes were covered in ice (no powder for fukui). Despite all of this I had a wownderful time. I haven't been skiing in so long (several years aside from one jaunt last year) that it was just nice to be up there. It took me a little bit to remember how to do it but by the end of the day I was like a pro (a pro who looked like a snow monster). I can't wait to go up again!


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