Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I am a terrible "backpacker". It's not that I mind roughing it (I did spend 3 days in the jungle and loved it), it's more I see no reason to rough it when there is a nice luxury hotel nextdoor. So yesterday I arrived in Koh Chang (a beautiful little island) and took the cheapest accomodation I could find (which was still almost as much as Gap's House). It was a quaint little bungalow, with a mattress, a mosquito net, an electric fan, one light bulb (although there is only electricity from 6pm-6am) and a toilet. It wasn't so much anything in the hut was bad, it was the mosquito infestation that really got to me. I would get up to go to the bathroom and as I dumped water down the toilet (no flushing) the mosquitos would come at me in droves. I would run and dive back under the mosquito net, and inevitably a few followed me and so then I would be sitting inside the mosquito net trying to kill bugs and spraying bug spray everywhere. By this morning I couldn't take it (it didn't help that some drunk guy tried to walk into my bungalow at 4am, giving me a heart attack and the guys next door lost their key and made lots of noise before passing out on their porch). So this morning I got up, went to the beach for a few hours and then moved into the beautiful hotel across the street that has air conditioning, hot water, flushing toilets, a porter to carry my bags, a huge clean bed, and not a mosquito in sight! I feel so much more relaxed to be be staying someplace clean and safe. Which means that while I am the worst "backpacker" ever, I'm having a lot more fun today. Future plans on the island-- lay in the sun, swim, drink beer, rent a scooter to ride around the island and go snorkeling. Did I mention lay in the sun?


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