Carissa's Exploits and Fabulous Adventures

Japan Round Two

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

We are hopefully over the insanity that I was just adjusting to. The last little bit has been crazily hectic and insane. We were interviewing students, picking their class levels, trying to sort them based on personality and then holding additional events in which to evaluate them. We did this for 180 students in less than 5 days. Incredible. I'm really happy with the students I have in my class though (2 classes of 6 people). I'm teaching at an Intermediate/Advanced level and it's going to be a lot of fun. I honestly thought they would give me beginners because most of my experience has been teaching children. I think that the people I work with are all about making you challenge yourself.

Yesterday I finally had a few minutes to breath and lay by the pool (ok, I only got an hour of pool time and I was forced to breath during it, but that was serious relaxation for me). Last night we had a rave on the top deck of the boat and turned off all the lights. It was wonderful dancing in the dark on a boat in the middle of the ocean. We were on the equator and so the stars were not only brilliant but in different positions than I have ever seen them. It felt like I was living in a movie once again (I seem to have that feeling often, especially recently).

Today I am in Singapore. I am drinking a Singapore Sling (a pretty pink cocktail) as I type this. Singapore is an amazing country. The population is very multi-racial. 70% of the population is Chinese, there are also Malay, Indian, and Europeans here. It is very mixed and yet in the last 20-30 years the populations have managed to integrate and find peace with eachother (there were apparently huge race riots at other points in history). We had 2 Singaporean students, Xiang-run and DeKun, who joined the cruise in Hong Kong and gave lectures on Singapore for us. They were incredible! I am very sad that they are leaving us in singapore. I learned a lot about Singapore from them and believe that parts of what the government has done could be a useful model for other multi-racial societies.

Singapore has been awesome! It is a beautiful city. It feels comfortable-- safe, clean, easy to manage. We went to Little India first and I bought a Sari and got a henna tatoo on my hand (beautiful). I also went to the electronics district and bought a Magic Disk (USB drive). All of the other teachers on the cruise have one and I have been horrifically jealous of them. Although I like Singapore, I think that Xiang-run was right-- Singapore is the kind of place you want to raise kids and retire, but before that it might bore you to death. I would love to come back to Singapore for a few days, but unlike Vietnam I don't feel myself drawn towards it. Vietnam, I could stay there for months. Singapore I could stay for a week.

Next is Sri Lanka-- I don't know the next time I will be able to use the internet. I am going to take cases of water to an orphanage in Sri Lanka (there was Buddhist Monk in Thailand who read my fortune and said I would have good karma if I donated water to a hospital or orphanage...). Hasta Luego.


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