Last night Ruan took me out to dinner at a beautiful restaurant called Cynthia’s. After dinner we got in the car and started driving, but he wouldn’t tell me where we were going! Finally we pulled off the road onto a small dirt road and bumped along for a few minutes before pulling into a place called the Sundowner’s Lodge. We went into our room which was beautiful (the Big Five Room because of the decorations) and Ruan asked me to marry him! I said yes of course! He had champagne waiting on ice (along with flowers and chocolates and candles). It was beautiful and romantic and I am very, very happy.

Ruan is going to move to Reno with me as soon as we get his visa situation figured out. Obviously I am disappointed that we won’t be together for a little while, but I am also very excited about starting our new life together.

Ruan is going to move to Reno with me as soon as we get his visa situation figured out. Obviously I am disappointed that we won’t be together for a little while, but I am also very excited about starting our new life together.